debt collection collecting outstanding debts recovery


"The only honest measure of your success is what you are doing compared to your true potential." Paul J. Meyer



Anwaltskanzlei Feinen
D-50670 Köln
London Office
+44 203 3184513 tel
+44 203 3184574 fax

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Law Firm Germany-Feinen 

Your partner in international debt collection


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The problem: business in europe is facing altered circumstances. International free trade and competition requires circulation of goods over national boarders, chances - but risks, too.

Outstanding claims like purchase prices or other debts (bad debts) like compensation are to be collected abroad. But do you know whether your debtor still exists or ceased the trading? Do you know whether he is solvent or in bankruptcy proceedings? The risk of a loss in costs and time in collecting a debt is enormous, and besides you are dealing with a different and strange legal system.

Moreover we have experienced that the debtors often contact us not until court proceedings are initiated - to charge an ordinary debt collection agency makes less sense because they mostly have to hand over the case to a Lawyer at last to bring the case to the court which is time consuming and causes unnecessary expense.

Claim management: means to stay close to your debtor until the debt is paid in total, to ascertain his financial standing and his assets. For legal proceedings "formal" things are very important, particularly to know the specific coordinates of the debtor (a valid postal address is necessary in court proceedings). So first of all it is to check the address and to ascertain the financial standing of the debtor´s business particularly by our internet databases.

Please look further to our information concerning proceedings <<details of debt collecting>> (click here the link).

Please note that we are able to represent your interests all over Germany. Our Lawyers are called to every court in Germany.

Fees and costs: It is the guiding principle of our office to cover our fees and costs by the debtor himself ("no cure no pay"!) in out of court debt collection cases (meaning that the claim is not seriously contested by legal objections or legal remedies and that the debtor is solvent).

Experience has shown that it is very effective to contact the debtor directly and to force him by staying close to him by telephone. Please take in consideration that very often the refusal of payment indicates a bad financial situation. Objections (f.e. notice of defects) against your claim mostly are assertions to delay payment.

In bankruptcy proceedings, insolvency, you need experience filing the claim to the bankruptcy court, to control proceedings and the measures taken by the liquidator/receiver in bankruptcy.

Our Service: On receipt of your documents (check here: list of documents) we will sent a request for payment (dunning-letter) to your debtor immediately by setting a deadline for payment. In the meantime we try to ascertain the financial standing and credit-worthiness and will check address and other important information. We will try to contact him by telephone and force him to payment. In case of bankruptcy proceedings we will file the claim to the bankruptcy court (list of creditors' claims) and observe further proceedings. If it is possible to claim for the retention of title we will inform you and manage the take over of your goods.

To collect a debt requires a lot of - legal - knowledge and experience in handling all types of measures in proceedings and enforcement.

In each stage of proceedings we inform you about the actual situation, give you an update and will advise you in deciding further steps. It is also out of question that we will provide you with background information.

Our new company information service: information about your debtor for free (is a valid address on your disposal? Is the company still existing? Has it ceased trading? Are there bankruptcy proceedings? What is its legal form?)

Anwaltskanzlei Feinen
D-50670 Köln
0049-221-16844589 Tel.
0049-221-16844619 Fax

London Office
+44 203 3184513 Tel
+44 203 3184574 Fax

e-mail - click here













Services in debt collection

debt collection

detailed information in debt collection

contact in debt collection

Hotline in debt collection

company information in debt collection

Law Firm Germany-Feinen, 50823 Köln, Germany, specialist in debt collection, claim management and international contract law
phone 0049-221-16844589, Fax: 0049 -221- 16844619


Please visit our new website:


Global Debt Recovery Network: - debt collection worldwide


Copyright: Michael Feinen 2000-2024
4, March 2024